WOW Sponsorships
Review our Sponsorship FAQs if you have additional questions.

Count BARKula
Add an item to the event goody bag*
5 Wag-O-Ween event entries with goody bags
5 Wag-O-Ween t-shirts
Social media mention on Wag-O-Ween pages
Logo and business name on event website
Business logo on event map handout
Logo on sign along event route

Add an item to the event goody bag*
2 Wag-O-Ween event entries with goody bags
2 Wag-O-Ween t-shirts
Social Media mention on Wag-O-Ween pages
Logo and business name on event website
Business name on event map handout

BOOth Space
Add an item to the event goody bag*
Designated table space at event*
1 Wag-O-Ween event entry with goody bag
Business name on event website
*Booth space is on a limited, first-come, first-serve basis. Please indicate whether you would like a booth when registering.
*Businesses will supply their own materials for goody bags.

Doggy Bag
Add an item to the event goody bag.*